Your donation makes a difference.

Make a donation

Thank you for contributing to Kingdom Center Ministries! You can donate in different ways. The ways to give are listed here. Your contribution helps, this ministry, to bring the good news of Christ to the entire world.

Please specify where you would like to give: Lay Leadership, Help Ministry, Membership Care Ministry, Men of Valor, Pace Setters Ministry, Restoration Corner Ministry or Other.

Your gifts help so many in need. You can donate by check, money order, Zelle, Text to Give, and Givelify. All donations are tax exempt.

Please make checks and money orders payable to Kingdom Center Ministries.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Types of Donations Accepted by Kingdom Center Ministries

Cash or Unrestricted Donations: These donations will be used to support non-specified services, programs, or endowments established by the Foundation.

Field of Interest Donations: Income from these donations or gifts will be used to support specific New Market Skills Center educational or high-demand program needs.

Designated Donations: These donations or gifts will be used to support specific services, programs, or endowments established by the ministry. Within this category, donors can establish a named scholarship or fund.

·Advised Donations: Donors may establish an Advised Fund where both principal and income may be used to benefit one or more qualified charitable purpose established by the KCM charter. Donors may recommend different recipients from time to time. The Board retains the right of final approval.

Administrative/Operating Fund Donations: Contributions to this fund are made to support the operation of the KCM organization and its related activities. Donations to this fund in excess of current needs of KCM may be used to augment income from Endowment Funds. The principal and income of this fund may be used to defray current operating expenses at the discretion of the Board.

Asset Donations: KCM accepts Asset Donations such as stocks, bonds, vehicles, equipment, or real estate. All Asset donations or property not specifically requested by the donor to be held, are converted to cash as soon as practical for reinvestment.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focusing on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We want to serve you in any way that promotes the Gospel.

We partner with other organizations across the states to make Christ known.

All your donations are tax exempt.

Thank you for contributing!