About Us

Kingdom Center Ministries

Kingdom Center Ministries is under the direction and leadership of Pastor R. L. West, Sr. and Lady Jeanette West in Memphis, TN. Presently, Kingdom Center Ministries is continuing to grow and abound in the Word and the Work of the Lord.  Pastor West continues the plight along with his faithful companion Lady Jeanette.

The church has other faithful ministry auxiliaries, teachers, and all our wonderful members who help to make our church a true family of God.  Let us always remember the rich spiritual legacy which has been given to us.  Throughout our existence, very strong emphasis has been placed on establishing and maintaining a strong, biblically sound foundation, having a personal relationship with Jesus, holy living, and being led by the Holy Spirit.  These are to be accomplished though praying, reading, studying, memorizing, meditating upon, and applying the Word of God to our lives daily. Continue >>

Pastor Robert West Sr.

Pastor Robert West, Sr. is a preacher, teacher, leader and author dedicated to winning the lost for Jesus Christ and developing others to fulfill their God-given purpose. Pastor West was born and raised in Memphis Tennessee. He studied architecture, technology, music and the arts in college. He later pursued biblical studies at Mid-South Bible College and Southern Seminary.

Pastor Robert West has served in numerous positions in ministry. He currently shepherds the wonderful congregation of Kingdom Center Ministries, heeding the call and operating in an undeniable gift for community and urban outreach. He is also currently the President of the African American Fellowship of the Tennessee Baptist Convention. Current and previous positions include President of the Mid-South African American Fellowship, State President of the National African American Fellowship of the Southern Baptist Convention, Board Member of the Mid-South Covenant Churches, and Co-founder of the 5th Sunday Fellowship in West Tennessee.

Pastor West is a devoted husband, father, grandfather and brother. His lovely wife and helper in ministry is First Lady Jeanette West, to whom he has been married for over 50 years. They have five children who are also active in the ministry. Continue >>

Lady Jeanette West

First Lady Jeanette West works in ministry alongside her husband Pastor Robert L. West, Sr., the pastor of Kingdom Center Ministries, to whom she has been married for over 50 years. Her ministry path began in Children’s Ministry but when her husband became the Pastor at One Faith Fellowship, the scope of her ministry grew.  First Lady Jeanette West created the Sisters of Strength ministry focused on the growth, spiritual development, and well-being of women. In 2011 they held the first annual Sista’ Please Women’s Conference.

First Lady West is also an active member of the Tennessee Baptist Women’s Missionary Union (WMU).  For over ten years she served as the Director for Sisters Who Care for WMU Mid-South Baptist Association. In 2016 she became the first African American Director of WMU Mid-South Baptist Association. In 2018 she became the first black Vice President of West Tennessee of the Women’s Missionary Union of Tennessee.

 Nonetheless grateful for her various roles in ministry, she cherishes the roles she holds within her family. First Lady Jeanette West is a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. She has five children who, along with their families, are also active in Kingdom Center Ministries. Continue >>