Youth Ministries
Kingdom Center Youth Ministries
Kingdom Center Ministries is committed to the spiritual and personal development not just to the youth of our church but the youth of our surrounding community. We participate in partnerships that span across the state that promote the well-being of children in education, jobs, health, and faith.
Children of the Kingdom
We encouraged our children to be the best that they can be through arts, and peer-to-peer teaching. We have fun learning how to live for Jesus! The Children of the Kingdom (Children's Ministry) Participate in the Rites of passage program for male and female youth between the ages of 10 and 17 years old to teach them the necessary principles, values, cultural history and discipline which will anchor them on their passage through Adolescence, Puberty, and into Adulthood.
Universal Collegiate Ministries
Universal Collegiate Ministries (our university service division) strives to foster a culture of worship and spiritual formation at universities, encouraging intentional service to God through evangelism, discipleship, worship, missions, and local ministry, while involving collegians in meaningful leadership.
We also promote the interaction of all University life including academic, co-curricular, and residential.
Our goal is to minister to college students and equip them to give their lives away. We operate our ministry in partnership with Kingdom Center Ministries Global of Memphis, TN non-profit 501(c)(3).
The purpose of our UCM ministries is to reach out to college students world-wide and provide a spiritual experience in daily living.
Creative Thinking Youth (C.T.Y.)
We are the body of believers with a focus to rebuild the lives of youth and young adults through encouragement, comfort, joy and the peace of God.
C.T.Y. Takes part in the Merge Program, an Inner-city local African American churches and Anglo churches from 6 states partnered with the Mid-South Baptist Association Tennessee Baptist Convention in "Merge" to reach young people for Jesus.